Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Donate Art to Help Animals

I received a comment from BillieAnne Brady, the director of Fuzzy Face Pets, an animal rescue shelter out of Fort Worth, Texas. BillieAnne saves abandoned and homeless pets from disease and from being put down. She sells books, paintings, jewelry, and other items to raise money.

Lucky, a Shih Tzu, who has lost an eye and a front leg after an auto accident.

If any artists out there would like to help some animals, you can donate some of your work. The preferred pieces are paintings 11" x 14" to 16" x 20" of dogs, cats, horses, other animals, and landscapes. For more information about the kind of work they do, or for contact information, here is their pet rescue ebay store.

I've donated a couple of animal pieces including this one I just made of an owl (my first attempt at watercolor). I've always avoided paints but I thought I'd give them a try. It's not much, but maybe it will help a little. Seasoned artists can probably help much more. They also accept donations of towels, blankets, cleaning supplies, and dog food. Volunteers are also welcomed. If anyone would like to help some homeless animals out, please contact them.


  1. Anonymous2/27/2009

    Joe, the jpg of this watercolor owl, looks great. The real thing, I am looking at here, live & in person, is breath taking.

    WOW! This is an outstanding work of art!

    We will choose the double mats & frame carefuly, to show off your art, at it's best.

    I am sure this piece of art will bring a good price. YEA!

    I am also sure, the happy buyer will want to obtain more of your work.

    I hope you have a stack of spare buissness cards, we can pass out to the people, who are interested in your artistic work.

    I will be glad when I am older, & able, to sit back in my rocken' chair saying, "I knew him when he was first getting started!"

    BillieAnn Brady
    Fuzzy Face Pet Rescue

    Thank-you for your great write up about our Fuzzy Face Pets. Fund raising is the hardest thing we do. It is easy to love the sweet, but abandond pets. We find great homes for them, that match their personality, and/or disability.

    Many of our disabled pets find, working with disabled people, is a rewarding actitvy for both the person & the pet.

  2. Anonymous2/27/2009

    Wow, I'm glad you like it so much BillieAnn. No business cards yet, I'm still experimenting. Thank you again, it's a really good cause.
